Saturday, January 29, 2011

Is Windows Phone 7 Revolutionary or a Bust?, Page 2 of 2 - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Is Windows Phone 7 Revolutionary or a Bust?, Page 2 of 2 - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

Here's how not to write an article. This guy owns an iPhone, raves about it's apps and yet claims to know jack about a new OS let alone have incite into it's future. Here's a clue I'm a non-android, non-iPhone user who has a need for a smart phone (btw I am waiting for a Verizon version, contrary to you guesstimate). And by the way I have used WM 5/6.5 and despite the awful user interface loved developing apps because it leveraged one of the most popular, and not the only, development framework in the world. In fact that same code was easily ported to Windows Phone 7 ( or WP7 since the name doesn't roll off the tongue). End rant.

Seriously, we know WP7 doesn't have cut and paste, it was mentioned well before your article. Soon, sometime in February, an update will come to offer the missing feature. In case you can't count, HR guy, in less time then it was implemented on iOS. I guess that means bust rather than, faster implementation...

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