Friday, December 16, 2011

Nokia Lumia 800 Batman: Dark Knight Rises Limited Edition Smartphone Unveiled [VIDEO] | Redmond Pie

Ahh man, this is super sick. I hope a few celebs get their hands on this and start to promote the Nokia/Microsoft partnership. Unfortunately it looks like these will be in short supply, since the non-promo ones are not in the US I bet this will be hard to get if and when they come out. Fingers crossed...

Nokia Lumia 800 Batman: Dark Knight Rises Limited Edition Smartphone Unveiled [VIDEO] | Redmond Pie:

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

(2) CityVille on Facebook

(2) CityVille on Facebook:

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This is stupid, I play these games to take my mind off of the many hours of studying I do. However, where Farmville succeeds, CityVille, HolidayVille and Crap*Ville fail. They use an energy system wherein you exercise a unit of energy on most any action in the game. The downside is that you expend your energy quite quickly. As opposed to Farmville wherein time is your enemy and the energy equivalent is farm cash. I like Farmville in that you don't use energy but time. I can wait quite a while but in the energy based games it's used most readily and ends damn quickly. However, I see the intrigue in such games as you can capitalize on the use of a token system far more readily. For me, that is too much dough and more time that I can spend on a given game. I'll play the energy based games sparingly as they cost the most time due to lack of energy supplies. In the meantime, when I'm done with my finals this semester, I'll happily play the games I own at home, infamous 1 - oblivion - fallout xx (which due to my degree I still have not beaten cept' infamous), without worry of running out of credits or energy. Viola, there's a god after all, his name is Kratos (psp)!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Verizon to Microsoft -- Give us LTE on Windows Phone 7 or say good-bye to our network - Computerworld Blogs

Verizon to Microsoft -- Give us LTE on Windows Phone 7 or say good-bye to our network - Computerworld Blogs:

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Many articles similar to this one are showing up. While I agree MS needs to update Windows Phone 7 to include LTE, it's not imperative that it does it "now". There are many phones on Verizon, ahem the iPhone and lots of feature phones, that are not capable of LTE but those aren't being singled out. What a crock from Verizon, if I wasn't on a contract I would immediately switch to AT&T to snag the Focus S or the Titan. Hopefully VZ gets there head out of it and brings in a few more phones running Windows Phone 7.