Friday, October 8, 2010

WP7 Texas Holdem Calculator

I'm currently in the process of posting my WP7 source on, my project page can be found here: Texas Holdem Calculator.

I'll probably offer the app via the Windows Marketplace to see what kind of interested it generates, clearly this is worth .99 cents or less.  The price really isn't the point but rather the experience.  The WP7 version of THC will be under the Create Commons license using, cc by-nc-sa or AttributionNon-commercial, Share Alike.  Essentially this means that any may copy and distribute derivatives for non-commercial uses as long as they attribute me as the author.  However, feel free to contact me if there is a use case that might need my permission to bend the license.

Stay tuned, I hope to have the source up by end of day or tomorrow at latest.

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